Thanks for jumping aboard as I begin a series on Retirement and Grandparenting. I have no schedule to give you (hey, I am retired) so if you find something interesting, you may have to check back. Also, as I write some things feel free to give your opinion on topics discussed. If you want to be a guest blogger that would be just wonderful. Contact me.

Boredom is not a problem. This is not a problem for me. I can truthfully say I have only had a few “restless” days since my retirement in 2010. I am not bored. I find ways to fill my time. Finding the time to get it all done is a more common issue for me. I have to keep it in mind that I can’t get it all done in one day, even in retirement.

How can retired people fill their time? There is a potpourri of reasons such as what I do and that is writing. If that isn’t for you then try biking, gardening, traveling, volunteering, hiking, reading or just lunch with friends.

Retirees must accept the difference between wants and needs very quickly after retirement. Embrace a simpler lifestyle so that you can get rid of stress and more time to enjoy your freedom for earlier constraints.Downsizing your living quarters and will cut your cost of living which in turn relieves stress and tension from your life. The interesting thing is that as we get older, our desires have decreased so our disposable income has increased.

Retirement brings on big adjustments for married couples and they are both home and holding dear to their time and space. Maybe you have heard a woman state that her husband at home just drives her crazy. With couples, “me” time is necessary. Maybe get away on your own or out with friends for a few hours will help that situation.

Let’s talk some grandparenting next time!